Monday, November 08, 2004

More fun with my ASCII cam!

I tried to take a photo of my face, but I held the camera a little too close, and all I got was a kinda blurry photo of my eye. I would have taken another photo but I ran out of Fylm Bytes....


I need to find some higher grain Fylm, maybe?

1 comment:

Michael said...

And here we start to get a clear picture (pun intended) of Michael Murphy's dizzying artistic scope as his body of work grows. The viewer, in watching this progression is swooped from broad tropical vistas to uncomfortable close-ups of the human body. These sudden shifts both shock and inform, as Mr. Murphy challenges our ideas of both the broad and the specific. I notice all of this, as an internationally known art critic, and now you, the art appreciator know this, because I have told you.