Tuesday, June 07, 2005

A true story...

I knew this man who drank a lot of oil for breakfast and got really, really sick.

He wasn't drinking motor oil, but vegetable oil.

And he wasn't really a man, but more of a raccoon.

Anyway, I had to take the man to the vet and then got in big trouble when the nurse told me they only worked with domestic people.



Andrew said...

seeing as how it's a true story, this is amazing. i haven't seen a real raccoon in years. where did he find a tankard of vegetable oil? did you poke the veterinarian in the eye?

and, may i say, gosh, you're going to miss an exciting Texas trip tomorrow. it's going to be exciting. that's all i can say. exciting and fun. and educational.

Michael said...

Oh man, what happened to the poor non-domestic vegetable oil man who was shunned by the nurse? Is there more to this tale of oily woe? Oh!