Wednesday, September 06, 2006

God spelled backwards is....

So, God created dogs, right? He clapped his hands together and a turbulent air parted the clouds and lightning struck forth and begat Canines.

And Eve took a bite of the apple and ignored Adam, and Adam was a brat to Eve and got the "talk-to-the-hand" routine, and then Eve went skiing in the alps and Adam was pissed off and sad and came across a puppy and his heart was mended. A little bit, at least.

And then Karl Marx sailed upon Adam's shore along with a Chinaman named Confucius and Confucius said "It is easier to clean poop off the carpet than clean matters of the heart."

And that adage lives on to this day.


Andrew said...

post a song for us, michael murphy.

Michael said...

Yes, do. And remember, hydrogen peroxide is good for getting out blood and vomit.

Michael said...

Your website pictures are neat. Where was the first one (stabby eyes) taken? What is the second?

Anonymous said...

I think the second image looks like an exray of a metroid.