Thursday, June 07, 2007

Typical Thursday

Don came in to my office this morning and told me we were going to switch microprocessors again for the fourth time in two months. I tried to be a gentleman about the news.

"What in God's Holy shithole are you trying to pull with all this microprocessor swapping?" I asked politely.

"I am having trouble with the new compiler so I thought we'd try another brand," replied Don dumbshit-bastardly.

He sent me a datasheet on the new microprocessor, and a list of what pins he wanted to use as I/O.

I used his address on a dozen internet porn sites, then photoshopped his head onto a man taking sex from a goat and mailed it to his wife.


the29th said...

These few paragraphs contain some of my favorite sentences ever.

Andrew said...

i left a comment here before but i don't see it... *weep*