Friday, September 02, 2005


In September
House still broken
Plumbing broken
Wiring broken.
In September
Work still broken
Social broken
Head still rattled.
In September
Car not broken
Gas price broken
Travel broken.
In September
Shoes are broken
Style is broken
Hair is broken?
In September
Music broken
Health not broken
Month is young tho?
In September
Some things broken
Murf not broken
Murf has spoken!


Anonymous said...

Hey Murf.

A strange thing just happened... it was a dark and stormy night... oh not that... I just went to and got tiffiney's totally tumbling gymnastics classes! What the hell happened to your site... I will search for it... By the way I love "the Lady's Captain" I finally downloaded it after many a hard time with disruptions probably from the bastards at AOL.. However, I digress. I love it! It just made me smile listening to it. Good yo-ho hos

Murf said...

It's not lost... it's just tainted. I'll get it back. All will be okay in the end. Doom bears and unupdated music pages will be present before the end of the year.

Andrew said...

murf, your poem was excellent! i don't know what else to say!

Michael said...

The last line was a surprise. A sudden rhyme! Wow! A+