Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nanowrimo Day 19: ~20.5k

She came into a dream of underwater beauty.  Deep underneath a lake or sea or ocean, where the sunlight barely reached and cast little curvy illuminated designs all along the sandy floor, Dawn swam like a dolphin.  The water was warm and comforting and rushed smoothly across her face and over her body.  Here in the deepest depths of water, the shadows danced and played in every direction, making the ocean world a mysterious theater of silent movement.  The shadows darted and sprang all around her.  The only sounds to be heard were the quick swishes of some darting object past her ears.  She would hear a swoosh, turn her head, but be too late to see what creature had made it.  Another swoosh, another head turn, again, seeing nothing but the dancing shadows.  Somewhere a million miles away, she hears the cry of a humpbacked whale: "myyyy armmmm... theeeey cuuuuut offffffff myyyyy arrrrrrrm!"

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