Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Every. Single. Time.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Nanowrimo 3pm: 43000 words
Last day of Nanowrimo!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 25: 30k+
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 19: ~20.5k
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 18: ~18k
Dawn asked Peter as he started dishing some corn and beans onto a plate, "Is this your father?", pointing to one of the photographs on the wall.
"Oh no," said Peter, "That's just another son of a bitch. Our mother is kind of a murderous whore. None of our fathers are alive. Or the same." He gave her a smile without taking his eyes off the task of loading his plate with food. "You should eat something before it all disappears. And before we head to the train station. Have you ever been on a train before?"
Nanowrimo Day 17: ~17k
A girl with dark bangs covering her eyes spoke up, "Do you live with the nuns? Your dress is absolutely sinful."
The boy with the freckles said, "Is that blood on your dress? Have you been eating wild animals?"
"Please, I am in danger," Dawn said to no one in particular. She walked along the group in a crouched, hunched way. The kids began to circle her as they moved along, slowly absorbing her into their center. "Where are you all going, may I ask?"
"We are going to school," said the freckled boy, "where they teach us not to be slobs and sleep in the woods and eat wild animals."
"Do you bite off their heads and drink their blood?" inquired a short girl with silky brown curls and thin-rimmed glasses.
"I bet she eats off their penises!" said the tall strawberry blond girl.
"She eats their doody!" laughed the small, mousy boy, and a few around him giggled and gasped.
"I do not eat animals," said Dawn defiantly. "I came from the mission up the road."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 14: ~14.2k
As the motorcycle drew parallel to the spot where Dawn hid, she noticed that there was a nun piloting the bike, and she noticed that the bike had a sidecar carrying a second nun. Both riders were wearing large goggles, and the nun in the sidecar looked like she was carrying a complex blanket in her arms. No, not a blanket, but a net.
The motorcycle drove on, continuing its wild back and forth pattern, into the village. A dog barked unconvincingly in the distance. Dawn reached into her tote and pulled out an old woolen shall and placed it over her head and immediately fell asleep.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 13: ~13.5k
They pulled her halfway up, and Dawn was able to position her feet under her bottom. She offered a little more resistance against the nun's pull, forcing them to grunt and lean back to compensate for the added weight...and then she sprung forward, pushing off with her feet as hard as she could. The nun's flew backwards, releasing their grips on Dawn and pinwheeling their arms to try to lessen their inevitable impact with the ground. There was a sickening snapping noise coming from one of the nuns as she slammed into the ground. The second nun landed on her side at an awkward angle, her head slamming into the earth with a thick slap. Dawn didn't pause to check on them. She had flung herself past the two nuns and broke out into a sprint back down the path that headed through the woods and back toward the missionary chapel and bunk house. Her legs drummed like pistons, her thighs and calves and knees and back and shoulders and chest on fire, but she did not slow down.
Dawn only had a few minutes head start, and had to make the most of it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 10: ~10k words
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 6: ~6900 words
Dawn looks up at the Sisters with respect and reverence. "Hello Sister Witchhaven, I hope you are having a blessed day."
"Explain yourself!" says Sister Witchhaven. Sister Sprites remains on her hammock chair, sucking and puffing away at her pipe, her eyes fixed on the young girl.
"Well," Dawn begins, "There appears to have been a problem at the bunk house last night."
"There will be a problem here if you do not explain yourself this instant!" Sister Witchhaven cries. Dawn is slightly taken aback, and doesn't understand where the nun's hostility is coming from.
"Well, there appears to have been a tad bit of killing, and an ounce of kidnapping."
Sister Witchhaven's caterpillar brows pull together so tightly they look as if they are kissing.
Dawn continues, unabashed: "It's a terrible mess. Everything is sticky, and bugs are starting to show up."
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 5: ~5100 words
Monday, November 03, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 3: ~3600 words
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 2: ~2000 words
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Nanowrimo Day 1: ~1000 words
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Nanowrimo 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The End is Near
Through my heavy prescription glasses, I can't see shit at this distance.
Jaxney growls at me, "You keep putting your closing brackets in the same line as your Return statement. You KNOW that C++ coding standard demands that your closing brackets are placed in their own line!"
Jaxney's breath tells me he ate Spaghetti-Ohs for lunch. His carbon dioxide exhalations moisten my mustache. I hold back the urge to lick his chin.
"It saves space while decoding," I explain to him. Jaxney jumps backward in frustration. He pulls his hair, spins in a circle, and talks to God. Jaxney fondles his forhead, bites his lip, and then points both his index fingers directly at me.
"BUT... IT... IS... CODING... STANDARD!" he delivers. His cheeks pulsate colorfully. I cannot tell if he is about to cry or explode. I decide to diffuse the situation.
I stand up and put my arms around Jaxney and begin to walk him back toward the hallway. I tussle his hair, and coo into his ear. "I tell you what," I say softly. "You go back to your office, and I will continue to code my way, and then we will save space while we decode. How does that sound, young prince?"
Jaxney puts his thumb to his mouth and wanders off toward the restrooms, and everyone lives to see another day.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
A Tragedy.

Friday, July 25, 2008
Office Trolls
I cross the hallway from the small office kitchen back toward my work sanctuary. I have a mug filled chock to the brim with an oily, skunky office coffee, and I must navigate slowly to avoid upsetting the brew. One step. Two step. I march down the hall like a North Korean arms-bearer submerged deep in an icy ocean. Left foot. Right foot. And then I see it.
A dark discoloration in the carpeting. A half-liquidy, half-slime puddle of darkish ooze. It has soaked into the flooring and splashed against the baseboard molding. The sickening sweet and musky odor of the substance overpowers the stench of the office java. Troll droppings. Great.
I pick up my pace, sacrificing some coffee drops over the side of my cup for slim hopes to reach my office sans confrontation. But luck be a scorned lady today: the troll is at my door.
Hunched over and exhaling white plumes of dusty disease motes, the troll eyes me up and down with hungered interest. Sour-apple saliva drops from its lips. Whistling sores pucker its face, opening and closing their mouths in a symphony of decay. "The copier needs a new toner cartridge, my pretty..." it groans with a voice like fracturing limestone. It shifts position and flies and cockroaches pour from the flaps and folds of its skin. Mimicking the sound of blended infants, the troll cackles wildly into the expanse of office hallway, and then dashes into the shadows of a nearby office.
A slimy trail of troll-filth remains hanging from the door of my office. I work myself a few feet into my office, but the place already reeks of a corrupted odor. I feel the blood draining from my face, and my stomach begins to clench. I splash the hot coffee in my face to try to settle myself.
TGIF. In God's name we pray.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday is here to stay.
"Is it a monster?" I ask him, reaching across my desk for the small box of raisins I had placed there this morning. One by one I separate a raisin from it's smooshed brethren, waiting for Petro to regain his composure. One by one I place a wrinkled bit on my tongue, and then mash it between my teeth, while Petro doubles over coughing and gagging. I use a #2 pencil to pry some raisin from between my molars as Petro spits foamy saliva onto my office carpet.
There is no way I am going to clean that shit up.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Precise Instructions for Murf's Summer Stew
Now, on with the show: MURF’S SUMMER STEW (recipe based off a recipe from Murf’s mom, who is an artisan stewstress.)

Why is it called ‘Summer Stew’ you ask? Well, because I made it in the summer. BAM! That’s why. Now here is the ingredient list. If you want to recreate this stew for yourself, then you must follow these instructions with the utmost precision. Luckily for you, I wrote them all down. And by ‘wrote them all down’, I mean I will vaguely recall what I think I threw into the crock pot this morning.
1 cup of Stew-beef-meat. Maybe it was half a pound? It was one good-sized handful of those chunks of beef that are already cut into big pieces. It was two small-sized handfuls of those chunks of beef that are already cut unto big pieces. If you have medium-sized hands, then I will trust in your own interpolation methods to figure out the correct amount of beef.
14-17 baby carrots from one of those bags of baby carrots.
2 red potatoes chopped into potato chunks.
1 can of diced tomatoes with the basil on the label.
1/3 of a softball-sized white onion, chopped into onion chunks.
1 and a half cups of SANGRIA BOXED WINE (angelic humming queue here) Maybe 2 cups. Heck, just use as much as would fit in a small crock pot to fill it up to an inch short of the top of the vegetables.
Directions: dump all of the above into a crock pot. Make sure you dump all the juice from the can of diced tomatoes in there as well, as it, combined with the boxed wine, makes the perfect sauce. Cook on High for 8-10 hours.
How it tastes: Friggin amazing. It’s as good as a backrub from the Queen of England.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Office Dream
Do you know this dream that I speak of? Well, today I plan to live the dream.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Post Coffee, Pre Demerol
"Are those grenades on your shorts?" he inquires. His eyes protrude from their sockets. They pulse with greedy desire. "Are those actually orange grenades all over your shorts?"
"No Dillian, those are pineapples." I correct him with all the patience of atomic fusion. "And these aren't shorts, they are jams."
Dillian stutters and convulses in my doorway. He shapes his mouth into a grimace of mental anguish. "Would HR approve of this?" he guffaws at me, his teeth vibrating in his skull. My hand moves slowly toward my bottom desk drawer, where a real grenade sleeps, but then Dillian turns to leave. I can hear him bouncing and sliding down the hallway.
Highway to the danger zone, Dillian old buddy old pal.
Monday, June 30, 2008
An Amorous Essay on Potatus-Totius.
I love tater tots. I have to start off with that statement, because every other statement involving the small deep-friend ground potato bites simply pales in comparison. I love them. I don’t think you understand how much I love them. I love them fondly, mentally, emotionally, and yes, sometimes in the privacy of my home kitchen, physically. Do not judge me yet! Please! Listen to my tale of the tots.
But life in the wilderness has the unfortunate side-effect of greatly lowering one’s life-expectancy, and it was only a matter of time before my parents were devoured (after a cultural misunderstanding in southern
Partly due to the whims of the nearest trading port, and partly due to the tattoo of the Irish flag I have on my left buttock, I was shipped off to Ireland with a cargo of cursed Cougar Gold to learn a trade in the potato fields. At the age of eleven I was reunited with a village of distant relatives and taught how to seed, sow, and harvest potatoes. I learned the hundreds of different ways to prepare potatoes to eat, how to tile a floor with potato skins, how to shoe a horse with potato-pads, and even learned how to brew special love-potions using the eyes of potatoes and special leprechaun dusts. By the time I was sixteen, no man in the village could claim a stronger potato-ale than what I brewed in my small cellar room. Potatoes were my life!
It was that winter that the Mongol invaders sacked our village. They were lost at sea for years, bound for
By the time I recovered, the raiders had already left, apparently tired and full on potato products. I found myself covered in soft, fried potato shreds, warmed from the explosion and baked a golden-brown from the heat of the fire above. This was my first introduction to tater tots. You see, they had saved my life. They had cushioned my fall, had kept me warm, and blanketed me against the heat of the barbaric destruction. As I ate my way out of my glorious tater cocoon, I began to realize that I was the only person left alive in the village. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I mourned the loss of my friends and family, and I sat and hugged the mounds of warm totness, taking solace in its silky embrace.
My sorrow was short lived, however. Growing up with adventurous parents, and then earning my way in the potato fields had instilled a strength of spirit inside me, and I knew then where I had to go:
Two months later I arrived in
But sometimes in the evenings, when the brisk autumn wind finds its way through cracks in the walls, or the soft outside breezes smack meatily across the tree limbs, I find myself compelled to fill the bathtub with warm, fresh tater tots, and then allow my naked body to become absorbed by their embrace. And when you see me with greasy pockets filled with tots, think to yourself “Don’t I have photos of my loved-ones in my pockets?” We are the same, you and I. It is human nature to surround yourself among the things you love. And well, my friends, I love tater tots.
Typical Monday
My face is sticky and slathered in drool, and a foot of facial hair is matted around my chin. I hope to myself that none of the office ladies have taken a picture of me in this state. I reach up to scratch my head and notice two-inch curved fingernails protruding from my digits. Gross. I look under my desk and see that the toes protruding from my sandals have also sprouted talons. Good thing I wasn't wearing shoes, because I'd be embedded in them now.
All around my desk are stacks of paperwork, data sheets, multi-colored sticky notes with phone numbers of reps who I'm supposed to call back. How could I have slept this long? Why didn't anyone wake me?
The secretary jaunts past my office and, upon seeing me alert and upright, pauses long enough to say "Can you change the air filters before you leave today Thanks!" I can't remember her name, but I think I remember it sounding like Petunia, or Old Glory, or Stitch. My head spins and I reach to rub my forehead and almost accidentally gouge out my eyeballs. Youza.
My joints explode and bones creak as I retrain my body to stand upright. I'm going to need some coffee in me before I start to call back these sales reps.